Simple Ways To Increase Height

By following these steps Teenagers can gain or Increase height up to 3-4 inches in 12 weeks, so Increase your height naturally.

Grow Taller Increase Height (The Bow Down)

How to grow tall grow 6 inches height, the bow down exercise to increase height grow tall by doing this stretching exercise.

The Bow Down 

The Bow Down is the simple stretch exercise that helps in increasing in the height. The Bow Down is very effective. It strengthen your abdominal muscles concentrically and lengthen your back muscle eccentrically. For this exercise, you have to stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Now bend forward as far as possible, while keeping your hand on your hips.

Slowly relax your spine and see how close you can get to your legs with your face by just relaxing and not forcing your face to your legs. Do not bend your knees and keep your chin off your chest. Each repitition should last between 5-10 seconds.

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